An excellent start to the month so far for the service....
Secret Millionaire +22.5 (WON 12/1 bog EW)
Cotillion -1
Favourite Girl -0.5
Misplaced Fortune +0.75 (Placed 10/1 EW)
Beat The Shower -2
Red Yarn -1
Layla's Hero -1
Grissom +0.75 (Placed 10/1 bog EW)
Jeer -1
Ella -1
Secret Witness -0.5
Bonfire Knight -1.5
Cape Royal -0.5
Dolphina -0.5
King's Destiny +0.1 (Placed 7/1 EW)
Arabian Pearl -0.5
Midas Touch +0.19 (Placed 7/1 EW)
Midas Touch +0.75 (Placed 8/1 EW)
Yemeni Princess -1
Space Station +5.25 (WON 7/2)
Rothesay Chancer -0.5
Lochan Mor -0.05
Magical Speedfit +4.2 (WON 14/1 EW)
Epic -0.5
Celtic Change -1.5
Galpin Junior -1
Haajes -1
Colonel Mak +41.25 (WON 33/1 EW)
Resurge -0.5
Noverre To Go -2
Academy Blues -1
Up to 18th September....
Pts staked: 32.5
Prs returned: 88.19
Yield: +171 %